Welcome to Yale — and, more importantly, welcome to collegiate a cappella. We’re the Singing Group Council, the hub for all things a cappella at Yale. Curious about what we’ve got in store for this year? Sign up for our mailing list below.
Rush is the name of the audition and recruitment process for a cappella groups at Yale. Though it goes by the same name, the a cappella rush process is very different from a sorority or fraternity style rush. It is a two-week-long process of auditions, concerts, and meals that culminates in Tap Night, when singers are at last initiated into their new groups.
This calendar includes all the major SGC rush concerts and events, including the timeframe for auditions and callbacks. Note that group-specific events, such as individual auditions or Singing Desserts, are not shown and will be scheduled by the groups. They will reach out to you personally about when and where you’re needed.
How do I choose a group?
Each group specializes in music for specific voice parts. In general:
SSAA (Soprano I, Soprano II, Alto I, Alto II) = Upper voices.
TTBB (Tenor I, Tenor II, Baritone, Bass) = Lower voices.
SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) = All voice parts.
Before you audition, consider which voice part(s) would feel most comfortable for you!
Performances are a great way to familiarize yourself with a group’s musicality & expression. At the beginning of rush, there are two huge concerts in which all 17 groups perform — Woolsey Jam and Marsh Jam — where you can get a taste for all the groups and compare their styles.
You may also meet a group’s rush manager at an event like this. They will be your first point of contact when communicating and help to facilitate your rush experience with that group.
After auditioning for a group, you may be invited to go on a rush meal — a meal at one of Yale’s various dining halls where you will be accompanied by group members. This is one of the best ways to ask any questions you may have and get a feel for what it’s like to hang out with a group! It’s a great way to see a group’s personality, and also helps them to get a sense of yours.
Even though you are being evaluated on your singing, auditions are the best way to experience what it’s like to sing with a group. Take a deep breath, look around, and relax. They are excited to see you express yourself and will support you!
Some groups maintain an online presence through websites and social media, where they post performances, updates, and other content. These can give you an idea of what the group has been up to in the past few years.
Many a cappella members chose their group because of that unquantifiable feeling that it just felt right. Rush can be an intense time if you are rushing many groups. Always trust yourself to make the decision that will make you happiest, even if it’s just a gut feeling!
What are you waiting for? Check out the rest of our site and learn more about all that Yale a cappella has to offer!
The Singing Group Council is the go-to resource for all interested singers during the rush process. If you have any questions, queries or concerns, or if you find yourself feeling lost or uncomfortable during rush in any way, please email sgc@yale.edu and we will do our best to help however we can.