About the SGC

The SGC, or Singing Group Council, organizes a cappella rush, concerts, workshops, & parties, and works directly with the Yale College Dean’s Office to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all participants.

If at any point in the rush process something feels off, please reach out to the SGC! The SGC exists, first and foremost, to keep rushees happy and safe during the rush process. We’ve been through rush many times, we know all the emotions, and we’re here to help — don’t hesitate to reach out to sgc@yale.edu with any questions, comments, or concerns.

The SGC wishes you a happy rush!

Abi Yadegar ‘24+1

Out of the Blue

Luke Tillitski ‘23+2

The SOBs

Emmett Solomon ‘23+1


Josh Gonzalez ‘23+1.5

Mixed Company
